Be Curious. Curiosity fosters learning. Seeking to understand is the foundation of learning in fact. Curiosity is the driving force behind problem solving. It puts us into a natural state of open-mindedness, which increases our ability to adapt to change. Curiosity starts with one word: why? Trying to answer why is often going to lead you to more and deeper questions. That's okay. Some of those questions can be answered immediately. Some can only be answered over time and through experience. Deadlines can be the enemy of curiosity, so get comfortable with asking why everyday. Finally, the open mindedness you find through curiosity can lead you to discovery and joy. Discovering new things and other perspectives can liberate us from our environment; our own circumstances. Curiosity can lead us to possibilities and allow us to envision a life free from the limitations we put on ourselves. Be curious.
Do today's work today!
The days are long but the years are short. Make the most of each day because you only have so much time and too much to do. Don't forget to slow down and remember you are a blip in the age of the universe. Make that blip memorable and leave the world a better place than you found it.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. Ask for help if you need it. That's why I am here!
Believe in yourself. We are all capable of achieving great things if we continue to believe in ourselves and not give up!
Be kind, think about others, learn from your mistakes, remember success is built through failure, love one another, work hard, be honest, forgive, be patient, be on-time, and be thankful.
Who am I? I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden. I will push you onward or drag you down to failure. I am completely at your command. Half of the things you do you might just as well turn over to me and I will be able to do them quickly and correctly. I am easily managed - you must merely be firm with me. Show me exactly how you want something done and after a few lessons, I will do it automatically. I am the servant of all great individuals and, alas, of all failures, as well. Those who are great, I have made great. Those who are failures, I have made failures. I am not a machine, though I work with the precision of a machine plus the intelligence of a human. You may run me for profit or run me for ruin - it makes no difference to me. Take me, train me, be firm with me, and I will place the world at your feet. Be easy with me and I will destroy you. Who am I? I am Habit
Education and training is your investment for the future. Believe in yourself, and invest in yourself.
show-up and try, it works!
This is a quote I absolutely love, but I am not sure who it is originally from. "Fear of failure can end your journey before it can even begin. Let go of that fear and just try." If we live life and let fear keep us from making an attempt at anything, we will never have the opportunity to succeed. Failure is one of the first steps to success.